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ONE TIME OFFER - ONLY $37! : UNDERSTAND & BALANCE YOUR CHAKRAS WITH YOGA (WORTH $297 USD). Do you want to identify physical and emotional blocks in your body and learn to release them in only 20 minutes per day so you feel balanced, energized, and ready to take on every task? Get my brand new Chakra Journey including 7 Chakra Yoga Flows, a Chakra Quiz so you know exactly what to work on, and daily Chakra Talks to learn more about each of the 7 Chakras. Feeling good in your body has never been easier! NORMALLY $297 USD - GET INSTANT ACCESS TODAY FOR JUST $37 USD!

 - Here's What You'll Get -
Julia your classes are awesome. Its helped me with correcting poses in my practice so I thank you for that. I do your class then continue with my own sequences that take me to an hours practice. I have really enjoyed your guidance ... Namste 🙏 - Kim S.
It's just what people like me need I want to practice at home so I have a little knowledge before I start a regular class. I will however still do it at home as I've enjoyed this so much - Karen H.
I lOVE the videos! They are literally a condensed yoga session. ❤️❤️❤️ - Cindy L.
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